The Moffet Arab Arts After-School Program

In the Fall of 2014, Al-Bustan expanded its art and drumming program at John Moffet Elementary School from a one-day-per-week program to three days. A full day is dedicated to each singing, drumming, and visual art. This program fills a much-needed gap in arts programing, as each year decreased funding eventually led to no school-sponsored in-class visual arts instruction.

Having a presence in the school and community since 2007, the “Moffet Drummers” are known throughout the community for their prodigious abilities and charismatic performances. The art made by students in the program adorns the interior of the Moffet School building and throughout the garden. With the expansion of this program, Al-Bustan and the Moffet School are committed to offering high-quality arts instruction to students and deepening bonds with the community. The result of this growth is the Moffet Arab Arts After-School Program that meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from the end of the school day at 3:09 until 5:15pm.

Students are taken beyond the school walls to share and celebrate their work, growth, and accomplishments through performances and art exhibitions in galleries. These have taken place at City Hall, Smith Memorial Playground, The Circle of Hope Gallery, and High Tide Gallery. The performances and exhibits are integral parts of the educational process that serves to concretize instruction and ignite pride and empowerment in what they can do. In this way, instruction intends to improve the students’ socio-emotional states, in-school focus, and attendance. Participants are also taken on trips to appreciate art, inviting them and their families to our performances and other arts-related activities throughout the city.

Through the years we have collaborated with many other mission-driven organizations who are also supporting enrichment programs at Moffet including Artwell, Raices Culturales, Philadelphia Photo Arts, Taller Puertorriqueño, Astral Artists, South Kensington Community Partnership, The National Museum of American Jewish History, Al-Aqsa Mosque, H&S Learning Center, and Friends of Moffet. The expansion of this enriching arts program could not have been possible without the generous support of the William Penn Foundation and the profound partnership that Al-Bustan has cultivated with Moffet Elementary School over many years.The program has had additional support from many foundations, organizations, and individuals from the Kensington community through contributions made financially, in-kind, and volunteer time. The Stockton Rush Bartol Foundation and National Endowment for the Arts are key foundations that have provided funding to make the program possible in the first place. Liberty Choice Market, Cousin’s Supermarket, and Al-Amana Market have all contributed in-kind support of food and beverages adding to the welcoming and inviting environment at events focused on the students and school.

While these listed supporters have been instrumental in the success of the program, there are countless unlisted individuals and institutions that have also contributed enormously. We are deeply appreciated of everyone who has contributed to the success of the program no matter how great or small. An extra special thank you to the parents of Moffet students who register their children to be a part of the program and come out to support them in their presentations.To learn more about the program, follow these hyperlinks to posts about its various activities:

Celebrating an Amazing Year in the Moffet Garden
Moffet Community Comes Together at Circle of Hope Gallery
Reflecting on the Emotive Impact of Teaching in the Arts
Learning Percussion with Mr. HafezTik Tik Tik
Learning to Teach Arabic from Moffet Elementary Students

Art-Making Transforms the Moffet GardenTears of Joy for the Moffet Ensemble at City Hall
Naomi Shihab Nye Shares Stories of Oman with Moffet Students
A Meeting of my Favorite Things: Oman and Moffet School 


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