(DIS)PLACED: Philadelphia | Tell Us Your Story!

Tell us your story!

If you or someone you know has a story of (dis)placement, of moving from the familiar to the unknown - be it within a neighborhood, across a city or an ocean - we invite you to share it with us.  Our project aims to bring together individuals, communities and artists to experience and share stories of displacement and placement.  We want to hear your voice.  In the form below we would like to know the place your story originated, the journey which you undertook to your current placement, and how you are faring now.Your name is optional and will remain anonymous, but if you want to be more involved with the project we would like to be able to get in touch with you for the next phase of the project.  Al-Bustan will engage two local documentarians – writer Ann de Forest and photographer/videographer Dave Tavani – to capture 12 stories in more depth through narrative, photography, and videography.

Learn more about (Dis)Placed: Explorations through Poetry, Visual Art, and Music Composition.


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