Reflecting on Fall 2019 Community Percussion Ensemble

I most enjoyed the friendly atmosphere and openness to learning new things.

In December 2019, Al-Bustan wrapped up another successful Fall semester of our Community Percussion Ensemble classes with Percussion Director Hafez Kotain. Twelve students joined us this term, including some long-standing Community Percussion Ensemble members and many newcomers. Our group included college students, researchers, doctors, professional musicians, engineers who brought with them a range of experience and motivations for learning.

One student said he signed up for the class to “learn and practice certain rhythms and techniques but also to plug into the community in this new way,” while another spoke about the class as a way to “access to one of the world's great teachers in the company of terrific fellow students.”

This highly motivated group quickly progressed through challenging techniques and material, culminating in an energetic final performance at Al-Bustan’s Open House on December 6, 2019. Playing to a packed room, the group showcased three rhythms to an enthusiastic audience.

Reflecting on the class, students spoke about the closeness they felt with each other and the ease they felt with teacher Hafez Kotain.  “I loved being able to ask anything. And the challenging piece Hafez wrote for us was a joy,” noted one student.

I most appreciated the challenge of learning the compositions and playing them with little to no error… Hafez is a very entertaining and knowledgeable teacher!

Within a group of mixed experience levels, one student expressed her amazement at “Hafez’ ability to could keep beginners and and "old timers" totally engaged.”

As we prepare for the Spring Semester classes beginning on January 22, 2020, we welcome beginners and newcomers to this burgeoning enthusiastic group!


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