Tremain Smith

On Sunday, January 12, 2020, Al-Bustan hosted an Artist Talk, Lunch, and Art Sale with Tremain Smith. Sixteen people joined us to view artwork, eat homemade Arab cuisine, and hear from the artist about her work and process.

An informal, intimate conversation with the artist around the lunch table allowed the audience opportunities to ask about Smith’s methodology, her entry to artmaking, her work as a teacher, and the themes within and behind her work. Attendees learned about the process of creating encaustic paintings (a centuries-old technique that uses beeswax, resin, and heat) that Smith utilizes in her work. Smith spoke about the experience of having four of her paintings selected for the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s permanent collection, and how this affected her career. She spoke also to her experience teaching with Al-Bustan, and the ways that being a teaching artist affected her artmaking and helped her understand more deeply her own practice.

The lunch and artist talk was followed by an art viewing and sale, during which a number of pieces were purchased. Smith's work is on view and for sale until March 11 and 35% of sales proceeds benefit Al-Bustan.


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