"Looking for Home" Exhibit at Gryphon Cafe

[highlight]We Went Looking For Home But We Found Exhibit at GRYPHON CAFE - Oxford Mills in South Kensington100 W. Oxford Street, Philadelphia, PA  19122Sept 1 - 30, 2015Mon-Fri 7am-5pm[/highlight] Al-Bustan's Moffet School team at Gryphon Cafe Al-Bustan's bilingual multimedia exhibit, We went looking for Home but we found, which opened at Philadelphia's City Hall in the Spring, will travel to South Kensington neighborhood.The exhibit is based on work produced by a diverse group of campers at Al-Bustan Arts Camp in 2014.  Under the direction of guest artist Joan Baz with a team of teaches and counselors, campers explored themes of home and identity.  Their work was compiled into a bilingual counting book with stories, art, and music in an online book We Went Looking For Home But We Found and a traveling exhibit.  Visitors to Gryphon Cafe are invited to share their reflections on home on a community board on display as part of the exhibit.


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