Register for Percussion Classes - Spring 2019

Screen Shot 2018-12-19 at 3.00.26 PM Percussion Spring 2019Learn Arab Rhythms in West Philly - Spring 2019 Percussion Classes!Percussion Director Hafez Kotain will lead a series of weekly percussion classes at Calvary Center for Culture & Community.Open to Adults and Youth, 7th grade & older!Classes held every Wednesday, January 23 - April 24, 20196:00 - 7:30PM ; Exact timing will depend on percussion level which will be determined on first day of class.Limited scholarships for youth available!Fee $310Arab Percussion Booklet 01 Not Included in Registration Fee ($15)**Minimum of 10 participants for class to take place.**CLICK HERE REGISTER! 


Percussion Continues at Northeast High School


An Immigrant Alphabet at Northeast High School