Phl17 Interview

Al-Bustan is featured on "In Focus" -- a weekly 30-minute TV program produced by PHl17 and hosted by Steve Highsmith. The program covers a variety of subjects, with an emphasis on the concerns and interests of the residents of the Philadelphia region.[highlight]On June 8, 2013, Al-Bustan Executive Director Hazami Sayed, along with visual artist Tremain Smith, percussionist Hafez Kotain, and camper Kiamessu DaSilva, chatted with host Steve Highsmith.[/highlight]You can view the entire interview here in 27 minutes, or view segments below.[embed][/embed] Part 2: Visual artist Tremain Smith and percussionist Hafez Kotain talk about their art and teaching at Al-Bustan.[embed][/embed] Part 3: Executive Director Hazami Sayed and teenager Kiamessu DaSilva talk about learning Arabic and arts at Al-Bustan Camp.[embed][/embed]


Musicians Kotain and Abou-afach Win Pew Fellowship


Sonia M'Barek and Al-Bustan Takht Ensemble Reviewed in New York Times