Journeys Across Imaginary Lines

Poems From April 21stOn Saturday, April 21, 2018 artists Frank Sherlock, Trapeta Mayson, Kinan Abou-afach and Dr. Jay Fluellen shared the stage to present new work inspired by the words and artwork that make-up our An Immigrant Alphabet installation. Our audience enjoyed words from Trapeta Mayson read from her array of works, closing with her commissioned poem We Are All Trees Here, accompanied by Kinan ABou-afach, Jay Fluellen and Hafez Kotain. Following her reading, Philadelphia Poet Laureate Frank Sherlock performed a series of provocative works, including the new poem Yesterday Is How We Spell Tomorrow.We then moved into a participatory poetry workshop, where our audience followed the prompts; "My journey has been...", "I knew I arrived when..." and "I remember I recall..." leading participants to work both together and independently to create poems of their own. Some of the audience members wrote -

I remember I recall soft singing, ancestral melodies - traveling through vocal chords of fellow choir members. My journey's been complicated, unmapping my heart strings - deconstructed symphony of her smile. I felt like I'd arrived when I kissed her. I felt like I arrived when I found out where I was going. I remember I recall my old days. My journeys been tough. 

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Major support for this project: Knight Foundation, The Barra Foundation, PNC Arts Alive, The Philadelphia Foundation and The William Penn Foundation


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