Exploring the Zoo at Al-Bustan Camp 2015

Asad.. Nisr.. Arnab.. Bulbul..

These are a few of the animals that Al-Bustan Campers learned about in their five days at "Dar Al-Shajra" - The Tree House at the Philadelphia Zoo. Our wonderfully dedicated teachers and counselors had the K-6th graders engaged with a lot of fun activities from 9am to 4pm each day.In Art with Lisa Volta they made drawings paintings, and prints inspired by their surroundings while incorporating Arabic letters and words. In Music they sang "Rafiqi-l Arnab" / "My Friend the Rabbit" -- a poem by Syrian author Suleiman Al-Issa, and practiced the basics of Arab rhythms and solos with Hafez Kotain. In science with Hope Willoe they explored the zoo in their safari hats, bandanas, and inquisitive eyes, learning about many animals and their habitats in relation to habitats found in the Arab region -- notably, the desert, coastline, forest, mountains, and grassland. And in Arabic class with Brahim ElGuabli, they learned some letters and key words in Arabic, mostly animal names of course, and heard a few animal stories.Thanks to the support of the Middle East Center at University of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Cultural Fund.Take a look at highlights of these fun times.

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