Al-Bustan Community Embraces Arab Arts at Ahlan 2015

I heard an unbelievable amount of positive feedback about Ahlan, including things like 'I can't wait for the next Al-Bustan event...' so, nice job all around. - Mark
On October 3, 2015 Al-Bustan welcomed all to our Ahlan: Embracing Community with Arab Arts Event at the Trinity Center for Urban Life. Everyone was invited to experience Arab arts and culture firsthand and for participants in Al-Bustan’s educational programs to engage with one another. It was a fabulous afternoon with over 250 attendees making art, music, and enjoying food and friendship!Photos by Chip Colson:

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Teaching artists Thamer Daoud, Nancy Sophy, Maya Culbertson, Mariam Mustafa, Nuha Farroukh, and Mehdi Saeedi led stations for calligraphy, mosaics, geometric patterns, henna and more. Our participatory music performances were a great success with Percussion Director Hafez Kotain leading students and audience in a drumming fest and Music Director Hanna Khoury teaching everyone to sing along to Nassam Alayna-l Hawa, Jadaka al-Ghaythu, and other songs.  Additionally, attendees had the opportunity to enter a raffle for an array of cultural offerings, purchase Al-Bustan merchandise, and taste a selection of savory and sweet Arabic foods.A BIG THANKS to our sponsors: Qatar Foundation International, Hogan & Vandenberg LLC, RBTS Inc, Basem and Muna Hishmeh,University of Pennsylvania’s Greenfield Intercultural Center, Middle East Center, and Penn Arab Student Society.


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