Bartol Foundation Spotlights Al-Bustan

Read our team's responses to Bartol Foundation's questions to find out our favorite snacks, what keeps us up at night, and our favorite field trips!May 2, 2019 | Bartol BlogBartol Grantee Spotlight: Al-Bustan Seeds of CultureLearn what is happening in the field of arts education and teaching artistry. As part of a new Q&A series, we will be getting to know the Bartol Foundation’s 2018 grantees.

  “When do you know your work is making a difference?Aimee: When I see relationships being formed between participants in our programs. This week that meant watching a nurse at Penn translate for a high schooler from El-Salvador in our community percussion ensemble, introducing a food blogger from Baltimore to a Syrian chef with a stand at Reading Terminal Market at our Marhaba Series, and a mother from our program like my sister’s comment on our Instagram post.

Read the full blog here!


A Lively Rhythmic Evening of World Percussion


Creative Exchange Features Al-Bustan