Al-Bustan Awarded William Penn Foundation Grant

Al-Bustan is pleased to be a recipient of a three-year grant from the William Penn Foundation. A first time applicant, Al-Bustan has received core support to improve the organization’s capacity to present the Arab Music Concert Series over the next three years. The Board of Directors and staff at Al-Bustan are thrilled by this recognition from one of Philadelphia’s leading foundations. As Executive Director Hazami Sayed explains, “This grant will allow us to capitalize on the successful first two and a half years of presenting the Arab Music Concert Series. We are fortunate to have four gifted Philadelphia-based musicians (three of whom are recent recipients of the Pew Fellowship in the Arts) in Al-Bustan’s Takht Ensemble. The model we’ve established features the resident ensemble performing in collaboration with renowned guest soloists in a concert series that spans a geographic and cultural range with diverse musical styles and disciplines.” William Penn Foundation’s support enables Al-Bustan to sustain the Director of Music Program position with Hanna Khoury, hire a new full-time Director of Marketing and Development, Morgan Gengo, and obtain consulting support from Arts Action Research.Learn more about Al-Bustan’s Music Program.

[highlightsm]The William Penn Foundation, founded in 1945 by Otto and Phoebe Haas, works to close the achievement gap for low-income children, ensure a sustainable environment, foster creativity that enhances civic life, and advance philanthropy in the Philadelphia region. With assets of nearly $2 billion, the Foundation distributes approximately $80 million in grants annually. Learn more about the Foundation at[/highlightsm]


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