Moffet Fall 2016

From the Moffet Arab Arts After-School Program Open House on September 13th to the Winter Concert on December 15th, we are very pleased to report the strongest fall semester we have had thus far.

Our attendance and student retention are the highest they have been, and teachers have reported back resoundingly in support of the students’ dedication, focus, and creativity. The result of this consistency and hard work were polished percussion and choir performances, lots of insightful, expressive student art, and high hopes for our upcoming semester! In art, under the guidance of teaching-artist Lisa Volta, students acquired foundational art skills while also learning about and being inspired by contemporary artists Zena Assi, and Sherin Guirgis. The work they produced during the program is currently hung in the Moffet hallways, and may be hung at upcoming spring art exhibits.

In choir and music skills, taught by Serge Elhelou, students learned basic choir skills, such as musical notation, pitch-matching, and harmony, while also learning Arabic songs, such as Haddi ya Bahr Haddi, Bint ash-Shalabiyya, and Ya Layl. Percussion Director Hafez Kotain led both the returning percussionists to new heights and edified foundational percussion skills in the beginning percussionists.The addition of Program Assistant Alia Barakat and Teaching-Artist Assistant Mostafa Darwish also ensured that the students and teaching-artists were properly supported and mentored in their classes. Ms. Alia and Mr. Mostafa were invaluable to the program, consistently bringing mirth and focus on days they were lacking.

We are extremely excited for the concerts, art exhibits, and community gatherings already planned for the spring of 2017. Pay attention to Al-Bustan’s website, Facebook, and various other social media for more information about those.

We are grateful for the generous support of the William Penn Foundation for enabling the expansion of the 3-days per week program at Moffet to flourish. We also thank the National Endowment for the Arts and Stockton Rush Bartol Foundation for their support.


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