2011 Intro to Arab Music Course

AL-BUSTAN is pleased to partner for a second summer with UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS to offer a 5-day course for educators, musicians, and music enthusiasts! 

INTRODUCTION TO ARAB MUSIC: Theory and Performance
Dates: June 27 – July 1, 2011; Mon-Fri, 9am – 6pm, with evening performance on July 1
Location: Springside School in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia
Deadline to Register: June 10, 2011
Fee to Al-Bustan: $500 (non-credit) 
Fee to UArts: $925 for teachers seeking Pennsylvania ACT 48 credit.

Sign up at UArts Professional Institute for Educators for ED 8425A 01 (3 graduate credits), and see full policy on tuition discounts — PIE offers a variety of tuition discounts as well as a $250 scholarship for teachers in the School District of Philadelphia. Note: this $925 fee to UArts includes Al-Bustan’s fee of $500.

Instructors: Director Hanna Khoury, Hafez El Ali Kotain, Adeeb Refela, and Hicham Chami

Designed primarily for K-12 music teachers, as well as instrumentalists, vocalists and music enthusiasts, this course provides a rich and engaging opportunity to work with renowned musicians and gain an appreciation of Arab culture and music through playing an instrument, singing, and performing in an ensemble. Each morning begins with sessions on Arab music theory, melodic modes (maqam), and rhythm. In the afternoon, participants attend a lecture exploring the varied cultural and music traditions of the Arab world. Each day ends with small and large group ensemble instruction in Arabic songs and playing the qanun, oud, and various percussive instruments. Teaching resources are provided to use and adapt in participants’ classrooms. The program week culminates in an evening reception and performance featuring participants and faculty. To supplement the program week, participants can arrange with Al-Bustan to observe music instruction at the Arabic language and cultural day camp held July 11-29 at Springside School. 

Download pdf of Course Registration Form and send to Al-Bustan.


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