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We Are The Vessel Workshops by Symone Salib

Workshop 1 & 2 Description : We Are The Vessel

During these two community workshops participants will come with the intention of creating their own vessel. Community members will use air dry clay to create their own vessel that they can take home after the program. During the workshop participants will have the space to talk about the ways that our friends, families, and community members uplift us during moments of transformation. They are the flowers that fill the space and make life a little less hard. In addition to the vessels participants will take home they will also be able to make a mini bouquet as well to share with someone they love in their life. Register here!


Clay Workshop 1 Thursday September 5th 7pm

Clay Workshop 2 Saturday September 7th 5pm


Clay Workshop Location 1 : 7th Floor Terrace, The Bok Building, 1901 S 9th St

Clay Workshop Location 2: Machine Shop, The Bok Building, 1901 S 9th St

Artist Description

Symone Salib is a first generation Cuban / Egyptian muralist, illustrator, and trauma informed educator who creates art that focuses on the storytelling of community members through public art installations. Creating art that depicts the people you love and admire in the community helps to pay homage to the hard work that these people do everyday. She wants to give people their flowers while they're still on this earth. She wants people who dedicate their whole lives to building strong communities to feel the gratitude they deserve. She wants people to feel seen. She wants people to feel heard. She wants people to feel valued.

We Are The Vessel is an exploration of self discovery through a trauma informed lens about the containers we put our trauma in our mind as a form of survival. This project was initially dreamed of during a series of trauma informed classes I had the opportunity to take with The Bartol Foundationation to become a trauma informed facilitator. During one of the classes, a clinician named Dr. Meagan Corrado, spoke to the idea that as art educators we can work with people to let them create art and provide a space for them to process trauma. It gives people the opportunity to create a piece of art that can symbolically be a container to a hard experience they have been through. When we think about the heavy things we carry within ourselves, our vessels, in this life, it is important to also recognize the ways that our community holds us as well. Recognizing that they are the people can ground us through these moments.

Community Partner: Al Bustan Seeds of Culture

Rooted in Arab arts and language, Al-Bustan Seeds of Culture offers artistic and educational programming that enriches understanding and celebrates diversity, while supporting the pursuit and affirmation of Arab American cultural identity and playing a constructive civic role within broader American society.

About Monument Lab:
Monument Lab is a nonprofit public art, history, and design studio that is a leading voice in how monuments live with us in public spaces. As a team of artists, curators, and researchers, Monument Lab critically engages our inherited symbols in order to unearth the next generation of monuments that elevate stories and systems of belonging. Monument Lab has been recognized for producing groundbreaking public art exhibitions, participatory research initiatives, media projects, civic and municipal partnerships, and site-specific commissions and workshops. Monument Lab works with artists, students, educators, activists, municipal agencies, and cultural institutions on participatory approaches to public engagement and collective memory. Monument Lab is based in Philadelphia, with team members and collaborators located across the United States, its territories, and beyond. For more information and to support, visit

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